UKMTO incident 16: UKMTO has received a report of an incident 80NM northeast of
DJIBOUTI. Authorities are investigating.
Defense Secretary Austin announced a new international task force to protect shipping from Houthi attacks in the Red Sea. The group will be called Operation Prosperity Guardian and includes the UK, Bahrain, Canada, France, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Seychelles and Spain
رويترز: وزير الدفاع الأميركي يقول إن الدول المشاركة ستنفذ دوريات مشتركة بجنوب البحر الأحمر وخليج عدن
وزير الدفاع الأمريكي: نعلن عن عملية متعددة الجنسيات لحماية التجارة في البحر الأحمر في أعقاب هجمات الحوثيين
وزير الدفاع الأميركي يعلن تشكيل القوة البحرية لمواجهة تهديدات الحوثيين في البحر الأحمر
1 سنة منذUKMTO has received a report of Uncrewed Aerial System (UAS) in the vicinity of position 1208N 04418E, 84nm East of Djibouti. Master reports 2 UAS circling the vessel several times at a distance of 50 metres before disappearing.
Houthi leader threatening oil fields in Saudi Arabia and the UAE if they are part of the coalition that "threatens Yemen"
The destroyer the USS Laboon has now entered the Red Sea, per DOD official. She joins the USS Mason and USS Carney, which have been shooting down Houthi drones for weeks
1 سنة منذUnited Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations has received a report of an attempted attack in the vicinity 63NM North West of Djibouti.
Vessel was approached by 5 small boats containing armed personnel. The attempted attack was likely deterred by nearby coalition forces.
The Pentagon is expected to announce tomorrow the formation of Operation Prosperity Guardian, a new task force to protect shipping from Houthi attacks in the Bab Al-Mandeb Strait and Red Sea, per DOD official
The Houthis claim to have carried out attacks against two civilian ships, namely the "Swan Atlantic" and the "MSC Clara"
1 سنة منذUnited Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations has received a report of an incident 24NM South East of port Mokha, Yemen. Master reports one craft with several armed personnel onboard was approaching the vessel position 130906N 0430307E. Warning shots were fired by vessel AST to the craft's side. Craft changed course away from vessel.
شركة "إيفرجرين" للشحن البحري تعلن التوقف مؤقتًا عن قبول نقل البضائع الإسرائيلية
Oil giant BP is suspending all shipping through the Red Sea due to the "deteriorating security situation". It comes after major shipping firms Maersk, Hapag-Lloyd & CMA CGM Group all decided to pause shipping through there amid Houthi rocket/missile/drone attacks on vessels
The UAE is pushing for U.S. military action and wants the U.S. to re-designate the IRGC militants-backed Houthis as an FTO according to a Yemeni official backed by Abu Dhabi. But Saudi Arabia is not
U.S. military official: “We are aware of reports and can confirm that on Dec. 18, at approximately 9 am(Sanaa time) the M/V SWAN ATLANTIC was attacked by multiple projectiles and that the USS Carney responded to the distress call in Southern Red Sea.”
UKMTO has received a report of an incident in the vicinity of the Bab El Mandeb, 30nm South of port Mokha, Yemen. Master reports a possible explosion in the water 2NM off one of the vessels quarters.
Authorities are investigating.
رئيس هيئة قناة السويس: 55 سفينة تم إعادة توجيهها عبر رأس الرجاء الصالح منذ نوفمبر
@SECDEF will announce Operation Prosperity Guardian next week, an international effort to protect Red Sea shipping, US military official tells. Today, USS Carney downed 14 Houthi drones while HMS Diamond downed 1, all part of same wave
HMS Diamond, one of the Navy's most advanced warships, swiftly intercepted and neutralised a potential threat to merchant vessels in the Red Sea using a Sea Viper missile.
French shipping company CMA CGM announces they too will halt transit of all container shipments through Red Sea
1 سنة منذCENTCOM:In the early morning hours of December 16 (Sanna time) the US Arliegh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS CARNEY (DDG 64), operating in the Red Sea, successfully engaged 14 unmanned aerial systems launched as a drone wave from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen. The UAS were assessed to be one-way attack drones and were shot down with no damage to ships in the area or reported injuries. Regional Red Sea partners were alerted to the threat
MSC to divert shipping away from Suez Canal after Red Sea attack
رويترز: الحوثيون يعلنون تنفيذ عملية عسكرية ضد "أهداف حساسة" في جنوب إسرائيل بعدد كبير من الطائرات المسيرة
القيادة المركزية الأميركية: مُسيرة انطلقت من مناطق الحوثيين استهدفت سفينة في البحر الأحمر
At approximately 0700, Dec. 15 (Sanaa time), Houthi forces contacted the Motor Vessel MSC ALANYA, a Liberian flagged vessel that was traveling north in the southern part of the Red Sea and threatened to attack it. The Houthis directed the vessel to turn around and proceed south. Although there were no U.S. ships in the area, U.S. forces maintained direct communications with the vessel, and the ALANYA continued north. It is believed to be traveling safely at this time.
At approximately 0900, Dec. 15 (Sanaa time), a UAV launched from Houthi held territory struck the Liberian flagged Motor Vessel AL JASRAH as it was travelling south in the Red Sea. The AL JASRAH immediately broadcast a mayday signal that said the crew was fighting a fire caused by the attack.
The fire has since been extinguished and the crew has since determined that no further assistance is needed
شركة "ميرسك" تعلن وقف جميع عمليات الشحن بالحاويات عبر البحر الأحمر مؤقتا
وزير الخارجية السعودي يدعو إلى وقف فوري لإطلاق النار في قطاع غزة
USS Mason en route to assist Liberian flagged ship hit by Houthi missile in Bab Al Mandab Strait; fire onboard MV Palladium 3. According to a senior U.S. defense official there have been 3 incidents in same vicinity of Bab Al Mandab strait near Yemen in past 24 hours
وزير خارجية اليمن للعربية: الأمر أشبه بإعلان حرب إقليمية ودولية إن وقعت أضرار فادحة بالسفن