1 سنة منذIran's FM @Amirabdolahian told IRNA in New York, "We've given a serious message and warning to America: the joint US-British attacks against areas in Yemen are a threat to peace and security in the region. It is an escalation of the scope of war."
1 سنة منذNew Joint Statement from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and United States on Additional Strikes Against the Houthis in Yemen
US official tells Fox one of the Houthi targets struck by US and British munitions included Al Dailami Air Base along with missile launching sites and weapons storage facilities for ballistic missiles and drones. This is 2nd joint US-UK strikes from air and sea since Jan 11
في تعز: طيران العدوان الأمريكي البريطاني يشن غارة على منطقة الجند في مديرية التعزية
قناة الحدث السعودية: مقتل قيادات حوثية في الهجوم على معسكر السواد بصنعاء
The US and UK carried out additional strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen on Monday, marking the eighth round of attacks by the US military in Yemen in just over 10 days, and the second time the US and UK have conducted these ops jointly
The U.S. launched a new round of strikes today against Houthi targets in Yemen, per US official
1 سنة منذصنعاءقصف جوي للتحالف الدولي
1 سنة منذمعسكر الحفا بعد الغاراتصنعاء Yemen
Several military bases in Sana’a, including Al-Dailami, Al-Hafa, and Al-Sawad, were struck by airstrikes moments ago
مصادر يمنية: سماع دوي انفجارات في العاصمة اليمنية صنعاء
دوي انفجارات عنيفة في العاصمة اليمنية صنعاء وسط تحليق للمقاتلات
U.S. 5th Fleet: The Iranian-backed Houthi militants' report of an alleged successful attack on M/V Ocean Jazz is patently false. NAVCENT has maintained constant communications with M/V Ocean Jazz throughout its safe transit
Houthis accept responsibility for attacking what they say is an "American military cargo ship" in the Gulf of Aden. The Houthis identified the vessel as Ocean Jazz
1 سنة منذEgypt's Suez Shipyard receives the Greek dry bulk carrier Zografia to repair damage caused by Houthis missile attack on the ship while sailing in southern Red Sea
Houthi Sources are claiming a “Major Event has happened tonight in Yemen that could Ignite a Regional Conflict,” with the Details about what has happened expected to be released soon
مصدر يمني لـ"الشرق": غارتان أميركيتان استهدفتا معسكرا للحوثيين محاذيا لمطار الحديدة غرب اليمن
“Commanders from Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) and Lebanon's Hezbollah group are on the ground in Yemen helping to direct and oversee Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping, four regional and two Iranian sources told Reuters.”
CENTCOM: As part of ongoing efforts to protect freedom of navigation and prevent attacks on maritime vessels, U.S. Navy ships are present in the Red Sea. On Jan. 19 at approximately 6:45 p.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command forces conducted strikes against three Houthi anti-ship missiles that were aimed into the Southern Red Sea and were prepared to launch. U.S. forces identified the missiles in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and determined that they presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels and the U.S. Navy ships in the region. U.S. forces subsequently struck and destroyed the missiles in self-defense. This action will make international waters safe and secure for U.S. navy vessels and merchant vessels.
The U.S. targeted & destroyed several Houthi anti-ship missiles today that were being staged to target commercial shipping lanes. A U.S. official tells Fox News these strikes were out of self-defense. F-18's from the USS Eisenhower were used to target the Houthi missiles
Reports of airstrikes in Al Hudaydah, Yemen
Iran-backed Houthis promise safe passage for Chinese, Russian ships transiting through Red Sea
جماعة الحوثي: استهدفنا السفينة الأميركية " كيم رينجر" بالصواريخ في خليج عدن
UKMTO has received a report of 4 unidentified Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) flying close to a merchant vessel 85NM South East of Ash Shibt, Yemen. 1 UAV hitting the water in close proximity to the vessel. Coalition forces responding
nالهيئة البحرية البريطانية: هجوم جديد على سفينة قبالة ميناء الشحر بمحافظة حضرموت n
الناطق باسم أنصار الله الحوثيين: نؤكد حرية الملاحة لجميع السفن عدا سفن العدو والمتجهة إلى موانئ فلسطين
CENTCOM:U.S. CENTCOM Destroys Houthi Militants' Anti-Ship Missiles. As part of ongoing multi-national efforts to protect freedom of navigation and prevent attacks on maritime vessels in the Red Sea, on Jan. 18 U.S. Central Command forces conducted strikes on two Houthi anti-ship missiles that were aimed into the Southern Red Sea and were prepared to launch. U.S. forces identified the missiles in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen at approximately 3:40 p.m. (Sanaa time) and determined they were an imminent threat to merchant vessels and U.S. Navy ships in the region. U.S. forces subsequently struck and destroyed the missiles in self-defense
مسؤول حوثي: أميركا وبريطانيا أطلقتا 13 صاروخا في غارات على اليمن الليلة الماضية
The U.S. has carried out a 5th round of strikes on the Houthi's since last Thursday. Today, the U.S. targeted & destroyed 2 Houthi anti-ship missiles staged to launch at commercial ships. This is after the Houthi's successfully hit two U.S. owned commercial vessels this week
Two soldiers from the Southern forces were killed and one soldier was injured in a Houthi attack by a drone in the northern of Al-Dhalea