5 أكتوبر 2024
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Houthi delegation met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov
National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is flying to Thailand to discuss the Houthi attacks on Red Sea shipping with China’s foreign minister Wang Yi
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المتحدث باسم البنتاجون لـ "الشرق": الأزمة في البحر الأحمر دولية وليست إقليمية فقط
8 الشهر منذ
المتحدث باسم البنتاجون لـ "الشرق": هدفنا تقييد إمكانيات الحوثيين
US and UK impose sanctions on several Houthi officials, including the group’s Minister of Defense and the commander of their maritime forces8 الشهر منذ
US and UK impose sanctions on several Houthi officials, including the group’s Minister of Defense and the commander of their maritime forces
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عقوبات بريطانية جديدة على الحوثيين تستهدف المسؤول العسكري الأول للجماعة
الخزانة الأمريكية تفرض عقوبات جديدة تستهدف 4 يمنيين
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المنظمة البحرية الدولية: ندعم حرية الملاحة وندعو للتهدئة في منطقة البحر الأحمر
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The Pentagon estimates the U.S. military buildup in the Middle East since Hamas’ Oct. 7 attacks on Israel has cost $1.6 billion—a bill the department is unable to pay due to lawmakers' inability to pass a budget, per two U.S. officials
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CENTCOM: Houthis Attack Commercial Shipping Vessel with Anti-Ship MissilesOn Jan. 24 at approximately 2 p.m. (Sanaa time), Iranian-backed Houthi militants fired three anti-ship ballistic missiles from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen toward the U.S.-flagged, owned, and operated container ship M/V Maersk Detroit, transiting the Gulf of Aden. One missile impacted in the sea. The two other missiles were successfully engaged and shot down by the USS Gravely (DDG 107). There were no reported injuries or damage to the ship
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The Iran-backed Houthi's fired three missiles at the U.S. flagged/owned M/V Maersk Detroit container ship in the Southern Red Sea today. The Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer USS Gravely successfully intercepted the missiles, a U.S. official told Fox News
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مصادر يمنية: الحوثيون يطلقون صاروخا ثانيا من البيضاء نحو خليج عدن
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U.S. CENTCOM Destroys Two Houthi Militants' Anti-Ship Missiles. On Jan. 24 at approximately 2:30 a.m.(Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command forces conducted strikes against two Houthi anti-ship missiles that were aimed into the Southern Red Sea and were prepared to launch. U.S. forces identified the missiles in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and determined that they presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels and the U.S. Navy ships in the region. U.S. forces subsequently struck and destroyed the missiles in self-defense. This action will protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S. Navy vessels and merchant vessels
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البنتاغون: قواتنا دمرت أكثر من 25 موقعا لإطلاق الصواريخ بالإضافة إلى 20 صاروخا في اليمن
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الجيش اليمني يعلن إسقاط طائرة مسيرة تابعة لمليشيا الحوثي أثناء تحليقها باتجاه مواقع عسكرية شمال غرب الجوف
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Yemen's Houthi rebels have ordered all U.S. and British staff of the United Nations and its agencies to leave the country within a month, a UN official tells AFP
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صعدة: قصف صاروخي للعدو السعودي يستهدف قرى آهلة بالسكان في مديرية باقم الحدودية
Iran's foreign minister says the country sent a serious message and warning to the US that its decision to launch joint attacks with the UK against Yemen was a strategic mistake8 الشهر منذ
Iran's foreign minister says the country sent a serious message and warning to the US that its decision to launch joint attacks with the UK against Yemen was a strategic mistake
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UKMTO INCIDENT 018 - UKMTO has received reports Uncrewed Aerial System activity in the vicinity of 46NM South of Al Mukha, Yemen. Authorities are investigating
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وزير النقل البريطاني: رئيس الوزراء سيخاطب اليوم مجلس العموم حول الضربات على أهداف الحوثيين
Iran's FM @Amirabdolahian told IRNA in New York, We've given a serious message and warning to America: the joint US-British attacks against areas in Yemen are a threat to peace and security in the region. It is an escalation of the scope of war.8 الشهر منذ
Iran's FM @Amirabdolahian told IRNA in New York, "We've given a serious message and warning to America: the joint US-British attacks against areas in Yemen are a threat to peace and security in the region. It is an escalation of the scope of war."
New Joint Statement from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and United States on Additional Strikes Against the Houthis in Yemen8 الشهر منذ
New Joint Statement from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and United States on Additional Strikes Against the Houthis in Yemen
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US official tells Fox one of the Houthi targets struck by US and British munitions included Al Dailami Air Base along with missile launching sites and weapons storage facilities for ballistic missiles and drones. This is 2nd joint US-UK strikes from air and sea since Jan 11
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في تعز: طيران العدوان الأمريكي البريطاني يشن غارة على منطقة الجند في مديرية التعزية
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قناة الحدث السعودية: مقتل قيادات حوثية في الهجوم على معسكر السواد بصنعاء
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The US and UK carried out additional strikes against Houthi targets in Yemen on Monday, marking the eighth round of attacks by the US military in Yemen in just over 10 days, and the second time the US and UK have conducted these ops jointly
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The U.S. launched a new round of strikes today against Houthi targets in Yemen, per US official
صنعاءقصف جوي للتحالف الدولي8 الشهر منذ
صنعاءقصف جوي للتحالف الدولي
معسكر الحفا بعد الغاراتصنعاء Yemen8 الشهر منذ
معسكر الحفا بعد الغاراتصنعاء Yemen
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Several military bases in Sana’a, including Al-Dailami, Al-Hafa, and Al-Sawad, were struck by airstrikes moments ago