الحكومة البريطانية: العقوبات الجديدة تشمل 5 إيرانية مرتبطة بإيران وكيان مرتبط بالحوثيين في اليمن
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov met with Minister of Foreign Affairs Ahmad Awad bin Mubarak(not Houthis)
مصادر يمنية: إيران وعدت الحوثيين بمضاعفة دعمهم بالصواريخ والغواصات بعد الضربات الأميركية والبريطانية
استخدمت الولايات المتحدة الذكاء الاصطناعي لتحديد الأهداف التي ضربتها الضربات الجوية في الشرق الأوسط. ساعدت خوارزميات التعلم الآلي في تضييق نطاق الأهداف لأكثر من 85 غارة جوية في 2 فبراير، وفقًا لكبير مسؤولي التكنولوجيا في القيادة المركزية الأمريكية.
12 الشهر منذA French Navy frigate under tactical command of EU military operation EUNAVFOR ASPIDES conducts support for commercial vessels in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden
12 الشهر منذConfirmed: Metrics show a disruption to network connectivity at the Djibouti Data Center which connects the country's landing stations; the incident comes as Israeli media report four submarine cables across the Red Sea including SEACOM have been targeted by Houthi rebels
China sends warships to Middle East as Houthi Red Sea attacks increase
وزارة الدفاع الأميركية: ضربات اليوم أصابت 18 هدفا للحوثيين في 8 مواقع في اليمن
12 الشهر منذسماع دوي انفجارات في صنعاء إثر غارات شنتها مقاتلات أمريكية على مواقع تابعة للحوثيين
واشنطن بوست: ضربات أميركية وبريطانية تستهدف عشرات الأهداف للحوثيين في اليمن اليوم
The U.S. and UK with support from coalition countries have carried out strikes on more than a dozen targets in 5 locations in Houthi controlled territories of Yemen. The targets include weapons storage facilities, drone & missile launchers, two U.S. officials said
الجيش يفشل محاولات تسلل للمليشيات الحوثية شرق تعز تعز - سبأنت تصدت قوات الجيش الوطني بمحافظة تعز، اليوم، لمحاولات تسلل للمليشيات الحوثية نشطاء المدعومة ايرانيا في جبهات الاقروض وجبهة الصفا شرق المدينة. وأوضح مصدر بمحور تعز، أن أبطا
12 الشهر منذاستهدف القصف الامريكي عدد من المواقع في العاصمة صنعاء ومحافظة عمران بعدد من الغارات اهمها: صنعاء ; جبل عطان ; جبل النهدين-غارتين ; معسكر الصيانه ; معسكر خشم البكره-صرف-غارتين ; محيط التلفزيون-غارتين عمران ; جبل ضين-غارتين
غارات جوية عنيفه على صنعاء:
CENTCOM: Feb. 24 Red Sea On Feb. 24 at 5 p.m. (Sanaa time), USS Mason (DDG 87) shot down one Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile (ASBM) launched into the Gulf of Aden from Iranian-backed Houthi controlled areas of Yemen. The missile was likely targeting MV Torm Thor, a U.S.-Flagged, owned, and operated chemical/oil tanker. Neither USS Mason nor MV Torm Thor were damaged and there were no injuries
12 الشهر منذ18-mile oil slick from British cargo ship hit by Houthi missile in the Red Sea as seen from space. U.S. military warns ‘environmental disaster’ will worsen if ship sinks with 41,000 tons of fertilizer aboard
CENTCOM:Red Sea On Feb. 22, at approximately 5 p.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces conducted self-defense strikes against four Iranian-backed Houthi unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and two mobile anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCM) that were prepared to launch from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen towards the Red Sea.On Feb. 23, between 3:30 and 5 a.m., CENTCOM forces shot down three Houthi one-way attack UAV near several commercial ships operating in the Red Sea. There was no damage to any ships.CENTCOM forces identified the UAVs and ASCMs and determined they presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels and to the U.S. Navy ships in the region
"We've certainly seen in the past 48-72 hours an increase in attacks by the Houthis" per @DepPentPressSec. But notes one of the ships the Houthis hit was carrying grain for Yemen, another damaged badly enough to create environmental hazards from leaking fuel, fertilizer
Ongoing attacks on international shipping by Iran-backed Houthis: "We always welcome more nations" to join Operation Prosperity Guardian in the Red Sea, per @DepPentPressSec Sabrina Singh nn"We're certainly seeing an expansion of assets in the region" like the recent EU efforts
CENTCOM: Feb. 22 Red Sea Between 4:30 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. (Sanaa time), on Feb 22, U.S. aircraft and a coalition warship shot down six Iranian-backed Houthi one-way attack (OWA) unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in the Red Sea. The OWA UAVs were identified by U.S. Central Command as likely targeting U.S. and coalition warships and were an imminent threat.Later, between 8:30 a.m. and 9:45 a.m., the Houthis fired two anti-ship ballistic missiles from southern Yemen into the Gulf of Aden. The missiles impacted MV Islander a Palau-flagged, U.K.-owned, cargo carrier causing one minor injury and damage. The ship is continuing its voyage
الحوثيون يعلنون أنهم استهدفوا ميناء "إيلات" الإسرائيلي بصواريخ وطائرات موجَّهة عن بُعد
المتحدث العسكري باسم الحوثيين: استهدفنا مدمرة أمريكية في البحر الأحمر بعدد من الطائرات المسيرة
المتحدث العسكري باسم الحوثيين: نفذنا 3 عمليات عسكرية نوعية أطلقنا فيها صواريخ بالستية وطائرات مسيرة
هيئة الأركان الفرنسية: البحرية الفرنسية دمرت ليلا مسيّرتين في البحر الأحمر
12 الشهر منذUKMTO Incident 37: UKMTO has received a report of an incident 70NM south east of Aden, Yemen. It has been reported that a vessel was attacked by two missiles, resulting in a fire onboard. Coalition forces are responding.
CENTCOM Feb. 21 Red Sea Rollup: On Feb. 21, between 12:00 a.m. and 6:45 p.m. (Sanaa time), U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) forces conducted four self-defense strikes against seven mobile Houthi Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles and one mobile Anti-Ship Ballistic Missile launcher that were prepared to launch towards the Red Sea. Additionally, during this time frame
CENTCOM forces shot down a one-way attack unmanned aircraft system (UAS) in self-defense. CENTCOM forces identified the missiles, launchers and UAS originating from Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen and determined that they presented an imminent threat to merchant vessels and to the U.S. Navy ships in the region. CENTCOM forces subsequently struck and destroyed the missiles, launchers and UAS in self-defense. These actions will protect freedom of navigation and make international waters safer and more secure for U.S. Navy and merchant vessels.
1 سنة منذBulker Rubymar with a flooded engine room and well down by the stern. She must be in a nearly empty condition to have sufficient buoyancy to remain afloat. Rubymar in RedSea
إعلام تابع للحوثي: 3 غارات أميركية بريطانية على الحديدة
هيئة عمليات التجارة البحرية البريطانية: تلقينا تقريرا عن نشاط متزايد لطائرات مسيرة قرب الحديدة في اليمن
Initial indications show the Houthi's shot a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone down off the coast of western Yemen on Monday using a surface-to-air missile, a U.S. official tells Fox News