5 Říjen 2024
Organization of Islamic Cooperation: We are keen to remove all causes of tension in Yemen, Libya and Syria
Rashad Al-Alimi: The war waged by the militias on the country destroyed all sectors
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At least 78 people were killed and dozens more suffered injuries in Yemen's capital late Wednesday, a Houthi official said, when people stampeded at an event to distribute financial aid
V telefonátu s korunním princem #KSA a premiérem Mohammedem bin Salmanem americký poradce pro národní bezpečnost Jake Sullivan přivítal „mimořádné úsilí Saúdské Arábie usilovat o komplexnější plán pro ukončení války" v #Jemenu a „nabídl plné USA podporu tohoto úsilí," uvedlo ministerstvo zahraničí.
The Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari, submits a report to the Council of Ministers on the results of the field visits he carried out with the Chief of the General Staff and the Commander of the Support and Support Force of the Arab Coalition, to a number of combat fronts, military areas and axes in Marib, Al-Mahra, Socotra and the western coast
The Council of Ministers holds a meeting in the interim capital, Aden, to discuss developments in the situation on the national scene in the political, military, security and service aspects, and the efforts made for the government to carry out its duties and responsibilities under the directives of the Presidential Leadership Council
Yemen: Brigadier General Yahya Saree: The armed forces continue to multiply the strategic stockpile of missiles as a deterrent force that has proven effective
"Remains to be seen" if Saudi Arabia will hold China accountable if Iran continues to ship weapons to Yemen for use vs KSA, per @CENTCOM's Gen Kurilla
Saada: The Saudi army targets with artillery shells residential areas in the border district of Razih
PLC Chairman Rashad Al-Alimi and members met with the US envoy to Yemen Lenderking in Riyadh
Iran's mission to the United Nations says a breakthrough agreement with Saudi Arabia restoring bilateral relations will help bring a political settlement to Yemen's yearslong war, Iranian state media reported on Sunday
The White House: We are interested in ending the war in Yemen and stopping attacks on Saudi Arabia
The US State Department: The purchase of a tanker to empty the Safer reservoir is a decisive step to avoid a regional environmental catastrophe
The army announces the downing of a drone belonging to the Houthi militia while it was flying towards military sites south of Marib1 rok Před
The army announces the downing of a drone belonging to the Houthi militia while it was flying towards military sites south of Marib
U.S. Central Command:CENTCOM supported a maritime interdiction by UK forces of advanced Iranian weapons1 rok Před
U.S. Central Command:CENTCOM supported a maritime interdiction by UK forces of advanced Iranian weapons
Secretary of State Blinken announces a US contribution of $444+ million to Yemen
Chairman of the Yemeni Leadership Council: The Iranian Revolutionary Guard is the cause of all the problems of our region
The US-Gulf Action Group: Iran continues to provide the Houthis with advanced missiles and drones
US CENTCOM seized over 3,000 AK-47 assault rifles, 578,000 rounds of ammo, and 23 advanced ATGMs from an Iranian ship in the Gulf of Oman on January 15th. Fifth such operation in a little over two months, on Jan 6th over 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles seized1 rok Před
US CENTCOM seized over 3,000 AK-47 assault rifles, 578,000 rounds of ammo, and 23 advanced ATGMs from an Iranian ship in the Gulf of Oman on January 15th. Fifth such operation in a little over two months, on Jan 6th over 2,000 AK-47 assault rifles seized
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Two soldiers were injured when an explosive device exploded in a military vehicle in Al-Rawdah district, Shabwa governorate
A number of vendors and shoppers were wounded, two of them in serious condition, as gunmen affiliated with the Houthi militia fired randomly at the "Al-Balayli" market in central Sana'a, after the vendors refused to pay financial levies
A suspected Houthi missile landed near Dhamar city, central Yemen, this morning, according to locals. The missile was reportedly fell down a few minutes later after launch
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Chairman of the Yemeni Leadership Council: Al-Houthi threatened workers in the diplomatic corps in Sana'a
Iran-backed Houthi leader warns UAE following the meeting between UAE & Israeli leaders in Abu Dhabi, stating: "We warn against any cheap service to the Israeli enemy against our country as this will give us the full right to target it"
Shabwah: The local authority supports the patrol police, road security and security forces with 4 military vehicles and their equipment
The President of the UAE discusses with the Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council bilateral relations and the promotion of Yemen's unity and stability
US State Department: We remind the Houthis that Yemenis want peace, not a return to war
The US envoy to Yemen is heading to Oman and Saudi Arabia to support the ongoing peace efforts
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Saudi Ambassador to Yemen: Houthi attacks on civilian facilities harm the interests of Yemenis
Former US National Security Adviser John Bolton to Al-Ain News: Iran provided ballistic missiles and drones to the Houthi rebels