19 Syyskuu 2024
Huthit näyttävät kuvia "Palestine 2" -ohjuksesta, joka laukaistiin Tel Avivissa eilen
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Egyptian Foreign Minister from Moscow: Egypt is the most affected by the escalation in the Red Sea
Houthi group says it shot down US drone over Yemen's Dhamar province
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one missile system in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
Netanyahu at the beginning of the cabinet meeting: "The Houthis should have known by now that we impose a heavy price for any attempt to harm us. Anyone who needs a reminder is welcome to visit the port of Hodeida [struck by Israel after the drone attack in Tel Aviv]"
Military spokesman for the Houthis group: The enemy should expect additional qualitative operations
Military spokesman for the Houthis group: We targeted a military target in the Jaffa area with a ballistic missile
Footage shows the site of the Houthi missile impact in the Ben Shemen forest area in central Israel.3 päivä sitten
Footage shows the site of the Houthi missile impact in the Ben Shemen forest area in central Israel.
After the shooting from Yemen, a ground-to-ground missile that disintegrated in the air, no changes in home front instructions, the studies in the Gush Dan area and in the Shefala are taking place as usual
Lisää jälkiä sieppausyrityksestä taivaalla
Israelin armeija vahvistaa ohjuksen, joka laukaisi hälytykset Keski-Israelissa ja ammuttiin Jemenistä. Sieppauksen tulosta tarkastellaan
EUNAVFOR ASPIDES: On MV SOUNION salvage status: The salvage operation of the MV SOUNION is essential in order to avert a potential environmental disaster in the region
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In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed three uncrewed aerial vehicles and one support vehicle in Houthi-controlled areas of Yemen
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US defense official confirms an MQ-9 drone "was struck but then landed safely and was recovered by US partner forces on September 9. An investigation into the incident is underway
Syyskuun 12. päivänä MV SOUNION pysyy tulessa sen jälkeen, kun siihen hyökättiin Punaisellamerellä. Alus on tällä hetkellä ankkurissa, ei ajaudu eikä päälastiruumista ole merkkejä öljyvuodosta
6 päivä sitten
US Deputy Representative to the Security Council: Iran Responsible for Arming the Houthis
6 päivä sitten
Two soldiers from the southern forces were killed in an attack by the Houthi militia on the Batar front, northwest of Al-Dhale'e
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi missile system in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
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US Army: We Destroyed 5 Houthi Drones and 2 Missile Systems in Yemen
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U.S.-British raid targets the Al-Kanab area in the Maqbanah district in Yemen with two raids.
Egyptian Foreign Minister: We and Saudi Arabia reject escalation in the Red Sea
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Egyptian Foreign Minister: Egypt supports the Saudi Kingdom's efforts to resolve the crisis in Yemen
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In Taiz: Two dead and five wounded as a result of the US-British raid targeting a school in the Al-Jund area with an airstrike
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Houthis: US MQ-9 drone shot down in Saada Governorate
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Saada: Saudi artillery shelling targets border villages in Baqim district
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In Hodeidah: US-British raid targets Al-Jabana area west of the city with a raid
Houthis military spokesman: We shot down an American MQ-9 drone
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A soldier from the southern forces was killed in clashes with the Houthis on the Al-Had front in Yafa'a, Lahj
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U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicle and one support vehicle in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen
U.S. Central Command: In the past 24 hours, U.S. Central Command (USCENTCOM) forces successfully destroyed one Iranian-backed Houthi uncrewed aerial vehicle and one support vehicle in a Houthi-controlled area of Yemen