4 Июль 2024
A number of vendors and shoppers were wounded, two of them in serious condition, as gunmen affiliated with the Houthi militia fired randomly at the Al-Balayli market in central Sana'a, after the vendors refused to pay financial levies1 год назад
A number of vendors and shoppers were wounded, two of them in serious condition, as gunmen affiliated with the Houthi militia fired randomly at the "Al-Balayli" market in central Sana'a, after the vendors refused to pay financial levies
A suspected Houthi missile landed near Dhamar city, central Yemen, this morning, according to locals. The missile was reportedly fell down a few minutes later after launch1 год назад
A suspected Houthi missile landed near Dhamar city, central Yemen, this morning, according to locals. The missile was reportedly fell down a few minutes later after launch
1 год назад
Chairman of the Yemeni Leadership Council: Al-Houthi threatened workers in the diplomatic corps in Sana'a
Iran-backed Houthi leader warns UAE following the meeting between UAE & Israeli leaders in Abu Dhabi, stating: We warn against any cheap service to the Israeli enemy against our country as this will give us the full right to target it1 год назад
Iran-backed Houthi leader warns UAE following the meeting between UAE & Israeli leaders in Abu Dhabi, stating: "We warn against any cheap service to the Israeli enemy against our country as this will give us the full right to target it"
Shabwah: The local authority supports the patrol police, road security and security forces with 4 military vehicles and their equipment1 год назад
Shabwah: The local authority supports the patrol police, road security and security forces with 4 military vehicles and their equipment
1 год назад
The President of the UAE discusses with the Chairman of the Yemeni Presidential Leadership Council bilateral relations and the promotion of Yemen's unity and stability
US State Department: We remind the Houthis that Yemenis want peace, not a return to war
The US envoy to Yemen is heading to Oman and Saudi Arabia to support the ongoing peace efforts
1 год назад
Saudi Ambassador to Yemen: Houthi attacks on civilian facilities harm the interests of Yemenis
Former US National Security Adviser John Bolton to Al-Ain News: Iran provided ballistic missiles and drones to the Houthi rebels
1 год назад
Yemeni Chief of Staff: The Houthis threaten maritime navigation with the direction and support of Iran
A stateless fishing boat, carrying 180+ tons of urea fertilizer and ammonium perchlorate from Iran and bound for Yemen, was intercepted by @USCG and @USNavy1 год назад
A stateless fishing boat, carrying 180+ tons of urea fertilizer and ammonium perchlorate from Iran and bound for Yemen, was intercepted by @USCG and @USNavy
1 год назад
Yemeni Foreign Ministry: Houthi militia attack on Qena port reveals its aggressive face
Al Houthi militia targets Qena port in Shabwa with a booby-trapped drone1 год назад
Al Houthi militia targets Qena port in Shabwa with a booby-trapped drone
1 год назад
Local source: A drone carried out a missile attack in the vicinity of a ship docked in the port of Qena
1 год назад
The Southern forces intercepted Houthi drones on the battle fronts north of Dhalea
1 год назад
Yemeni President: Safer oil tank threatens the world's largest environmental disaster
Explosions in Marib after a missile shelling targeting the densely populated city by the Houthi militias1 год назад
Explosions in Marib after a missile shelling targeting the densely populated city by the Houthi militias
1 год назад
Saudi Foreign Minister: We seek a political solution in Yemen
1 год назад
Dead and wounded Houthis in battles with the army in Marib
Appears the U.S. State Department is taking threats made by the Houthis in recent days seriously. A short time ago, it issued a travel advisory for the UAE saying one should "reconsider travel to the UAE due to the threat of missile or drone attacks
An explosive device exploded in Deluxe in the center of Taiz, and there were reports of casualties1 год назад
An explosive device exploded in Deluxe in the center of Taiz, and there were reports of casualties
Government forces target a Houthi leader and his companions on the Hadd Front in Yafa'
1 год назад
Clashes reported now between govt forces and Houthis in Taiz
5 civilians were killed and 2 wounded when an explosive device exploded targeting a security point in Taiz1 год назад
5 civilians were killed and 2 wounded when an explosive device exploded targeting a security point in Taiz
1 год назад
Yemeni medical sources: The death toll from the Security Belt forces of the Transitional Council in Abyan, southern Yemen, has risen to 21
Seiyun Video: A peaceful march took place on Thursday night to express its refusal to keep the forces of the First Military District in Wadi Hadramout, according to activists.1 год назад
Seiyun Video: A peaceful march took place on Thursday night to express its refusal to keep the forces of the First Military District in Wadi Hadramout, according to activists.
1 год назад
Southern Giants Brigades: Houthi militia violated the UN truce by targeting the locations of our forces in the Harib district, south of Marib
Israeli army chief Aviv Kohavi says that during the recent fighting in Gaza (August 5-8), the military struck a site in another, unnamed, country
1 год назад
Jordanian Foreign Minister: We hope that the armistice in Yemen will lead to a political solution to the years-long crisis