12 יולי 2024
9 חודש לפני
Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi: "If the Americans intervene in some way, we are ready to participate, even with missile bombing and drones"
9 חודש לפני
ארה"ב תעביר אלפי כלי נשק איראניים שנתפסו וסבבי תחמושת לאוקראינה, בצעד שעשוי לסייע בהקלת חלק מהמחסור העומד בפני הצבא האוקראיני בעודו ממתין ליותר כסף וציוד מארה"ב ובעלות בריתה.
9 חודש לפני
UN Security Council: Council members stressed the need to take decisive steps towards a permanent ceasefire in Yemen
A Houthi MiG-21 jet fighter flew over Sanaa City & landed at a military base in Sanaa, Yemen on SEP 269 חודש לפני
A Houthi MiG-21 jet fighter flew over Sanaa City & landed at a "military base" in Sanaa, Yemen on SEP 26
9 חודש לפני
The Bahrain Defense Force announces the death of another member of its forces succumbing to his wounds as a result of a hostile Houthi attack on the Saudi border
The US State Department condemns the Houthi attack that occurred yesterday on the Saudi-Yemeni border
The White House: We welcome the visit of the first official delegation from the Houthi group to Saudi Arabia
The US State Department: We are working closely with the United Nations, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Oman and other partners to build on the international armistice in Yemen
The White House: We welcome the completion of the process of emptying the "Safer tanker" and overcoming a serious environmental disaster
11 חודש לפני
The Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations on Yemen: We need 4 days to complete the transfer of "Safer" oil
11 חודש לפני
The UN envoy to Yemen: I discussed with Yemeni officials in Riyadh the resumption of the political process to reach a sustainable settlement
Yemeni Minister of Information: The transfer of Yemeni pilgrims from Sana'a came under the directives of the President and the cooperation of Saudi Arabia
1 שנה לפני
Blinken: Our goal is a permanent ceasefire in Yemen and the launch of a comprehensive political process
1 שנה לפני
Organization of Islamic Cooperation: We are keen to remove all causes of tension in Yemen, Libya and Syria
1 שנה לפני
Rashad Al-Alimi: The war waged by the militias on the country destroyed all sectors
1 שנה לפני
At least 78 people were killed and dozens more suffered injuries in Yemen's capital late Wednesday, a Houthi official said, when people stampeded at an event to distribute financial aid
בשיחות טלפון עם #KSA יורש העצר וראש הממשלה מוחמד בן סלמאן, היועץ לביטחון לאומי של ארה"ב, ג'ייק סאליבן, בירך על "המאמצים יוצאי הדופן של ערב הסעודית לרדוף אחר מפת דרכים מקיפה יותר לסיום המלחמה" בתימן ו"הציע ארה"ב מלאה תמיכה במאמצים אלה", על פי מחלקת המדינה.
The Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari, submits a report to the Council of Ministers on the results of the field visits he carried out with the Chief of the General Staff and the Commander of the Support and Support Force of the Arab Coalition, to a number of combat fronts, military areas and axes in Marib, Al-Mahra, Socotra and the western coast1 שנה לפני
The Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Mohsen Al-Daari, submits a report to the Council of Ministers on the results of the field visits he carried out with the Chief of the General Staff and the Commander of the Support and Support Force of the Arab Coalition, to a number of combat fronts, military areas and axes in Marib, Al-Mahra, Socotra and the western coast
The Council of Ministers holds a meeting in the interim capital, Aden, to discuss developments in the situation on the national scene in the political, military, security and service aspects, and the efforts made for the government to carry out its duties and responsibilities under the directives of the Presidential Leadership Council1 שנה לפני
The Council of Ministers holds a meeting in the interim capital, Aden, to discuss developments in the situation on the national scene in the political, military, security and service aspects, and the efforts made for the government to carry out its duties and responsibilities under the directives of the Presidential Leadership Council
Yemen: Brigadier General Yahya Saree: The armed forces continue to multiply the strategic stockpile of missiles as a deterrent force that has proven effective
"Remains to be seen" if Saudi Arabia will hold China accountable if Iran continues to ship weapons to Yemen for use vs KSA, per @CENTCOM's Gen Kurilla
1 שנה לפני
Saada: The Saudi army targets with artillery shells residential areas in the border district of Razih
PLC Chairman Rashad Al-Alimi and members met with the US envoy to Yemen Lenderking in Riyadh1 שנה לפני
PLC Chairman Rashad Al-Alimi and members met with the US envoy to Yemen Lenderking in Riyadh
1 שנה לפני
Iran's mission to the United Nations says a breakthrough agreement with Saudi Arabia restoring bilateral relations will help bring a political settlement to Yemen's yearslong war, Iranian state media reported on Sunday
The White House: We are interested in ending the war in Yemen and stopping attacks on Saudi Arabia
The US State Department: The purchase of a tanker to empty the Safer reservoir is a decisive step to avoid a regional environmental catastrophe
The army announces the downing of a drone belonging to the Houthi militia while it was flying towards military sites south of Marib1 שנה לפני
The army announces the downing of a drone belonging to the Houthi militia while it was flying towards military sites south of Marib
U.S. Central Command:CENTCOM supported a maritime interdiction by UK forces of advanced Iranian weapons1 שנה לפני
U.S. Central Command:CENTCOM supported a maritime interdiction by UK forces of advanced Iranian weapons
Secretary of State Blinken announces a US contribution of $444+ million to Yemen
Chairman of the Yemeni Leadership Council: The Iranian Revolutionary Guard is the cause of all the problems of our region