5 אוקטובר 2024
11 חודש לפני
Reports of a Patriot missile launch in Eilat with explosions sounding, no sirens sounded
11 חודש לפני
Israeli Foreign Ministry: The missiles and drones that struck Egypt today were fired by the Houthis at Israel
The Bataan Amphibious Ready Group, consisting of the USS Bataan (LHD-5), USS Carter Hall (LSD-50), and approximately 2,500 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, entered the Red Sea on October 27th, heading toward waters near Israel11 חודש לפני
The Bataan Amphibious Ready Group, consisting of the USS Bataan (LHD-5), USS Carter Hall (LSD-50), and approximately 2,500 Marines from the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit, entered the Red Sea on October 27th, heading toward waters near Israel
11 חודש לפני
לפי צבא מצרים, הפיצוץ בטאבה מקורו היה במל"ט בלתי-מזוהה. בנואייבה עוד לא ברור בדיוק מה קרה
11 חודש לפני
DOD assesses that the range of the missiles launched from the Houthis last Thursday was in excess of 2,000 km - in other words, the Houthis land-attack missiles that can reach Israel, says @PentagonPresSec
The U.S. issued a new warning to ships traveling through the Red Sea after a drone and missile attack launched from Yemen during the Israel-Hamas war. Today's U.S. Maritime Administration warning urged vessels to “exercise caution when transiting this region.” (WSJ)
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Al-Tanf base was targeted for the second time in less than a weee: American forces shot down a drone that attacked Al-Tanf base, located on the Triangle Border
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Houthi leader in Yemen threatens to attack Israeli ships in Red Sea if Gaza assault continues
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ראש ממשלת המעבר של החות'ים בתימן: "אם תימשך המתקפה בעזה - יותקפו ספינות ישראליות בים האדום
11 חודש לפני
Lloyd Austin: we've seen rocket & UAV attacks against bases housing our troops in Iraq and Syria. We're concerned about potential escalation. In fact, what we're seeing is a is the prospect of a significant escalation of attacks on our troops and our people throughout the region
11 חודש לפני
The trajectory of the 4 missiles & 15 drones shot down by the USS Carney after they were fired from Yemen "left little doubt that the projectiles were headed for Israel, the official said, a clearer assessment than the Pentagon's initial take
11 חודש לפני
USS Carney operating in the northern Red Sea shot down land attack cruise missiles & several drones launched by Houthi forces in Yemen, per @PentagonPresSec BrigGen Patrick Ryder. Warns the Houthi attack may be ongoing
11 חודש לפני
Pentagon says US warship shot down three land-attack cruise missiles and several drones heading north over the Red Sea launched by Houthi forces in Yemen. Says they potentially were heading towards targets in Israel but cannot confirm currently
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Pentagon: We were able to shoot down the drones launched by the Houthis
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US officials confirm to @abc that @usnavy destroyer USS Carney shot down multiple Houthi missiles last night. They were NOT aimed at the ship, but headed in a northerly direction
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Reports that 2-3 missiles fired by Houthis intercepted by USS Carney, possibly targeting the US warship or launched at another target. US Navy destroyer intercepted missiles fired from Yemen on Thursday - DOD official
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A US destroyer intercepted several missiles fired form Yemen
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Abdul-Malik Al-Houthi: "If the Americans intervene in some way, we are ready to participate, even with missile bombing and drones"
1 שנה לפני
ארה"ב תעביר אלפי כלי נשק איראניים שנתפסו וסבבי תחמושת לאוקראינה, בצעד שעשוי לסייע בהקלת חלק מהמחסור העומד בפני הצבא האוקראיני בעודו ממתין ליותר כסף וציוד מארה"ב ובעלות בריתה.
1 שנה לפני
UN Security Council: Council members stressed the need to take decisive steps towards a permanent ceasefire in Yemen
A Houthi MiG-21 jet fighter flew over Sanaa City & landed at a "military base" in Sanaa, Yemen on SEP 26
1 שנה לפני
The Bahrain Defense Force announces the death of another member of its forces succumbing to his wounds as a result of a hostile Houthi attack on the Saudi border
The US State Department condemns the Houthi attack that occurred yesterday on the Saudi-Yemeni border
The White House: We welcome the visit of the first official delegation from the Houthi group to Saudi Arabia
The US State Department: We are working closely with the United Nations, Saudi Arabia, the Emirates, Oman and other partners to build on the international armistice in Yemen
The White House: We welcome the completion of the process of emptying the "Safer tanker" and overcoming a serious environmental disaster
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The Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations on Yemen: We need 4 days to complete the transfer of "Safer" oil
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The UN envoy to Yemen: I discussed with Yemeni officials in Riyadh the resumption of the political process to reach a sustainable settlement
Yemeni Minister of Information: The transfer of Yemeni pilgrims from Sana'a came under the directives of the President and the cooperation of Saudi Arabia
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Blinken: Our goal is a permanent ceasefire in Yemen and the launch of a comprehensive political process