19 September 2024
Violent explosions rock the capital, Sana'
2 year ago
Arab coalition: We destroyed a warehouse of quality weapons in the vicinity of the Salif port after the militia transferred weapons to it
2 year ago
Taliban's Ministry of Foreign Affairs has condemned the recent attack against Saudi energy facilities launched by Iran-backed Houthi militia, saying such moves threaten regional peace and stability, and need to be stopped
Saudi-led coalition carried airstrikes in the port city of Hodeida after series of Houthis missile strikes that hit energy facilities in Saudi Arabia
2 year ago
Arab Coalition: We ask civilians to stay away from weapons depots and Houthi hideouts in Haddah neighborhood in Sanaa
2 year ago
Arab coalition: We give the Houthis 3 hours to remove weapons from the ports of Hodeidah, Saleef and Sanaa airport
2 year ago
The Arab Coalition: 3 experts specialized in booby-trapping boats were killed in Salif port
German Foreign Ministry: We strongly condemn the attacks on civilian infrastructure in Saudi Arabia
2 year ago
UAE: Houthi militia attacks reflect its blatant defiance of the international community
2 year ago
Civil defense and firefighting crews are working to control the Aramco plant fire in Jeddah
Saudi Ambassador to Washington: Houthis target energy facilities with Iranian-made drones and missiles
The US State Department: We are working on a draft resolution at the United Nations to end the war in Yemen
The Saudi Ministry of Energy: The attacks not only target the Kingdom, but the stability of energy supplies in the world
2 year ago
Saudi Energy: The international community must be aware of the danger of Iran supplying the Houthis with ballistic missiles
The Houthi rebels announced: We have bombed oil rigs in Saudi Arabia2 year ago
The Houthi rebels announced: We have bombed oil rigs in Saudi Arabia
2 year ago
Missile/UAV interception over Najran, southern KSA Saudi Arabia
2 year ago
Limited fire at the Samtah Electricity Distribution Station
2 year ago
Arab coalition: Hostile targeting of the tanks of the National Water Company in Dhahran Al-Janoub in Saudi Arabia
Houthi missile hits Aramco oil facility in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia2 year ago
Houthi missile hits Aramco oil facility in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Inbound traffic to Riyadh, Jeddah and Abha #SaudiArabia currently holding
Inbound traffic to #Jeddah holding too
#inbound traffic to Riyadh #KSA holding, important taking into account a ballistic missile was launched by the Houthis toward Jazan a few minutes ago
2 year ago
Al-Jazeera sources: A powerful explosion rocks the Green City in Aden, southern Yemen, and reports of casualties
2 year ago
Arab coalition destroyed two booby-trapped boats and thwarted an imminent hostile attack in the southern Red Sea
2 year ago
Interception over Jazan KSA
Head of Operations of the Seventh Military Region, Brigadier General Mansour Al-Zafni: Houthi militias suffer heavy losses
Head of Operations of the Seventh Military Region, Brigadier General Mansour Al-Zafni: Houthi militias suffer heavy losses
2 year ago
Khamenei: Look at the issue of Yemen where these , truly resilient people are being bombarded on a daily basis. Look at what Saudi_Arabia does in beheading 80 teenagers and rioters in a single day
2 year ago
Saudi Arabia declares that it is not responsible for the lack of global energy supplies in light of the attacks of the Houthi militias
2 year ago
Arab coalition confirms the interception and destruction of a hostile air target towards the city of Jeddah
It seems that #Jeddah #KSA is suffering another attack at this very moment inbound traffic holding again